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Profile overview

The overview provides all available information about a profile.

The data is grouped into sections which can be unfolded and edited.


Profile picture

The profile picture can be updated by clicking on the Plus icon top left or on the picture if available.


Profile ID

Each profile has a unique ID that can be filtered in the Quick Search or the Identification filter.



The green or red dot top right shows if a profile is available or unavailable.


GDPR status

If the GDPR consent management is enabled, information about the consent status is displayed next to the availability dot.



The number next to the Uploads label indicates the number of attachments added to the profile. Clicking on the link displays all files attached. Additional files can be uploaded through the appropriate link or by drag & drop into the highlighted window. Various file formats (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, html, etc.) are allowed.

The maximum file size is 10 MB. Files can be scanned for personal details and skills. Each file can be downloaded by clicking on its name. Files can also be deleted through the cross icon on the right of each file.


Personal data

This section contains the profile's personal data.



This section contains information regarding the users responsible for the profile.

  • Title - Field for additional information, can be completed by editing the section.
  • User - The Manager responsible for the profile, can be changed by editing the section.
  • Attributed - The Recruiter responsible for the profile, can be changed through the Toolbox using the Attribute link.
  • Entity - The Entity to which the profile is assigned, can be changed through the Toolbox using the Entity link. Entities can be customised in the settings with appropriate permissions.


This section contains information about the candidate's current status, mainly for recruiting purposes.

  • Category - Category assigned to the profile, as candidate or employee. It can be changed through the Toolbox.
  • Source - Source of the profile, referring the channel where it was found, as LinkedIn or indeed. The Info field can be used for additional information.
  • Current salary - Current income of the profile. The Info field can be used for additional information.
  • Desired salary - Income expectation of the profile. The Info field can be used for additional information.
  • Employed - Date on which the profile was or will be employed.
  • Exit - Date on which the profile left or will leave the company.
  • Availability from - Date on which the profile will be available. The Info field can be used for additional information.
  • Mobility - Locations in which the profile is willing to work. Several entries as countries, regions or cities with a radius can be added. Total can be selected if the profile is open to work anywhere. These entries will be considered when using the Mobile for field in the filter. The Info field can be used for additional information.


This section contains information about the profile’s qualifications and skills. It is used to match them with customer needs.

  • Experience - Total work experience of the profile. It can be edited manually but cannot be less than the summed duration of projects listed in the Experience section.
  • Languages - Language skills of the profile, as English or French. Suggestions based on the input can be selected from a list. Each selected tag can be weighted according to the level by clicking on it.
  • Competencies - Competencies of the profile, as project management or software development. Suggestions based on the input can be selected from a list. Each selected tag can be weighted according to the level by clicking on it.
  • Tools - Tool knowledge of the profile, as matlab or catia. Suggestions based on the input can be selected from a list. Each selected tag can be weighted according to the level by clicking on it.

  • Main tool - The tool that the profile knows the best, as matlab or catia. One suggestion based on the input can be selected.
  • Pro category - Professional category of the profile, as project management or software development.


This section lists the studies of the profile, as schools or universities.


Education entries can be added by clicking on the +Education link on the right of the section.

  • From / To / Until now - Date range of the education entry, Until now can be checked for ongoing ones.
  • Diploma - Level of the Diploma which can be selected from a list. The highest level of these entries will be displayed in the profile list view.
  • Academy - Name of the school or university. Suggestions based on the input can be selected.
  • Education field - Field of studies. Suggestions based on the input can be selected.
  • Description - Field that allows to add more details to the education entry.

Other education entries, as internships or a thesis, can be added as well by clicking on the + Other link on the right of the section.

  • Type - Type of experience which can be selected from a list.
  • Facilities - Facility in which the experience took place.
  • Tools - Tools used during the experience, as matlab or catia. Suggestions based on the input can be selected from a list. Each selected tag can be weighted according to the level by clicking on it.


This section lists work experiences of the profile.

  • Companies - Overview of companies in which the Profile worked. Can be edited through the edit icon. Suggestions based on the input can be selected from a list.

Experiences can be added by clicking on the + Project link on the right of the section.

  • From / To / Until now - Date range of the experience, Until now can be checked for ongoing ones.
  • Full/Half time - Specifies if the experience was done in full or in part time. The amount of time added as experience will be calculated accordingly.
  • Industry - Industry of the company in which the experience took place. Suggestions based on the input can be selected.
  • Company - Company in which the experience took place. Suggestions based on the input can be selected.
  • Position - Position held during the experience.
  • Description - Field that allows to add more details to the experience entry.
  • Tools - Tools used during the experience, as matlab or catia. Suggestions based on the input can be selected from a list. Each selected tag can be weighted according to the level by clicking on it.


The Infobox lists all activity that occurred with the profile. Entries are listed chronologically for a seamless follow-through of events and discussions over time.


Entries are added through the toolbox. They can be edited or deleted in the Toolbox depending on the Permission level of the User. Each entry can be commented and additional participants added to the threads. Files related to the entry can be uploaded as well. Existing entries can be filtered by clicking on the Filter link on top of the section.


The Process-tab displays an overview of sales actions taken with the Profile in a new tab. Only the last stage of each process is shown.The amount of entries per page can be set. The process option filters for the last stage of each sales process taken with the Profile.



This section provides an overview of needs associated with the profile.


The Search for matching needs link allows to filter for needs that match the qualifications of the profile.

  • Staffed - Needs on which the profile was staffed.
  • Already attributed - Needs to which the profile was suggested or selected using the Profile to need action.
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