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Profiles list

The profile list displays all profiles of the database meeting the filter criteria.

This view offers comprehensive data about profiles, more information is available when mousing on specific elements. The left section is about Personal data and Status, the central section about Qualifications, the right section about latest actions taken.


Results can be sorted in different ways:

  • Newest (default) - By creation date.
  • Experience - By profile experience.
  • Availability - By profiles availability.
  • Matching - By Matching percentage when filtering for skills.
  • Scoring - By Scoring points when filtering for skills. Scoring takes tag levels into account.
  • Full text result - Dedicated sorting for the full text search


The results list displays most relevant profile data. More information can be retrieved when mousing on specific entries. The data is grouped horizontally in 3 sections.


The left section displays the name. Mousing on it shows the picture, personal data and the Recruiter attribution. Clicking on the name or the ID leads to the profile overview.

The green or red dot on the right of the name shows if the profile is available or unavailable. The Uploads link displays all files attached to the profile. Files can be uploaded through the appropriate link or by drag & drop into the highlighted window. Files can also be deleted through the cross icon on the right of each file.


The central section contains information regarding the candidate's Qualifications:

  • Professional experience
  • Field of study
  • Languages
  • Competences
  • Tools


Mousing on an entry will display more information and show the tag levels. Users can get a quick overview of the main qualifications of a profile.


The right section shows actions taken with the profile. On top, users can mouse on elements to retrieve information:

  • Suggested - amount of needs the profile has been suggested for. Mousing displays more details.
  • Selected - amount of needs the profile has been selected for. Mousing displays more details.
  • Process - mousing displays a summary of sales actions taken with the profile.


The information below shows the latest activity with the profile or upcoming one, such as future interviews. More details are displayed when mousing on the entries.

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