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Searching for customers

Unatrix provides different solutions to search in the customer database. Whereas the quick search is the appropriate solution to find a known entry, other filters can be combined to browse through the database.


Customer filters

Customer filters allow to search precisely within the customer database using various criteria. Multiple filtering options, grouped in (un)foldable sections, can be combined.



The filter feature top left allows users to apply filter criteria per default in the Customer list. Current filter criteria can be set as default by clicking on the appropriate link. Applying the default filter resets the default filter criteria.



This section allows to filter for customer actions that occurred in a defined date range. The validities and user who added the action can be added as criteria.



This filter section is mainly about contact data of contacts, such as their address or email. Two filters can be combined simultaneously, both criteria must be met in this case. It also provides filter options for custom fields enabled in companies and contacts.


Values added as criteria must match exactly. To broaden the search, an asterisk (*) can be placed in front or at the end of the search input. When searching for cities, a geographical range can be defined. As an example, when searching for ‘Paris+100’ as city, all contacts that are located within 100 km of Paris will match.



The GDPR filter (if enabled) is used to display contacts according to their consent to store their data to comply with the GDPR. Contacts can have different GDPR statuses:

  • Consent given - Contacts who confirmed their consent.
  • Consent expiring - Contacts with consent nearing expiration.
  • Consent expired - Contacts with expired consent.
  • Waiting for consent - Contacts for which the consent confirmation is pending.
  • Waiting for consent expired - Contacts with expired consent confirmation requests.
  • Consent refused - Contacts who declined their consent.
  • Consent missing - Contacts lacking consent information.

Contacts with missing consents get emptied automatically after a time range that can be defined in the settings. The top of the section displays the amount of contacts attributed to the user that will be emptied within this time range. Clicking on the link activates the filter options and lists these contacts.

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