The overview provides all available information about a company. The data is grouped into sections which can be unfolded and edited.
Each company has a unique ID that can be filtered in the quick search or the identification filter.
The current status of the company is displayed in this view. It can be changed through the toolbox.
The Contacts total
section displays the amount of contacts assigned to the company. Should a user not be allowed to access all contacts of the company, then the amount he is allowed to access is displayed first.
Clicking on the link leads to the list view displaying the contacts of the company.
The number next to the Uploads
label indicates the number of attachments added to the company. Clicking on the link displays all files attached. Additional files can be uploaded through the appropriate link or by drag & drop into the highlighted window. Various file formats (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, html, etc.) are allowed.
The maximum file size is 10 MB. Each file can be downloaded by clicking on its name. Files can also be deleted through the cross icon on the right of each file.
This section contains key information regarding the company.
This section contains additional information regarding the company.
The infobox lists all activity that occurred with the company. Entries are listed chronologically for a seamless follow-through of events and discussions over time.
Entries are added through the toolbox. They can be edited or deleted in the toolbox according to the permission level of the user. Each entry can be commented and additional participants added to the threads. Files related to the entry can be uploaded as well.
Existing entries can be filtered by clicking on the Filter
link on top of the section. It allows searching for specific actions and validities, which are displayed when mousing on them. The search field can be used to look for content available in the infobox, such as IDs, statuses, names, and comments.
The amount of entries per page can be set.