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Searching for profiles

Unatrix provides different solutions to search within the profile database. Whereas the quick search is the appropriate solution to find a known entry, other filters can be combined to browse through the database.


Profile filters

Profile filters allow to search precisely within the profile database using various criteria. Multiple filtering options, grouped in unfoldable sections, can be combined.



The filter feature top left allows users to apply filter criteria per default in the profile list. Current filter criteria can be set as default by clicking on the appropriate link. Applying the default filter resets the default filter criteria.



The entity filter top right allows to filter for Profiles assigned to one or several entities (if enabled in the settings).

General search


Within the general search section, the Identification filter can be used to search for names or email addresses. Users can also search for a profile using its ID without the prefix (ENG). The Activity filter allows searching for profiles marked as active (green dot) or inactive (red dot) or all profiles.

The Scope filter allows searching for profiles by their responsible user, defined by the User field within the Attribution section of profiles. The group option includes subordinated users of the one selected. Additionally, users can filter for profiles in one or several categories. Clicking on the Category label will toggle the selection of all categories. Users will only be able to view categories granted in their permissions.



The Qualification filter section helps to find profiles based on their skills, such as competencies, tools, or languages. Suggestions are displayed when adding input to harmonize the keywords used across users. Selected tags can be levelled by clicking on them to define how important they are in the search. The scoring points will be calculated accordingly.

The Min Matching (%) filter defines the minimum percentage of searched tags required for profiles to appear in the results. The Mobile for filter considers information added in the Mobility field within the Status section of profiles. Profiles that have no mobility information are displayed regardless.



The Status filter section is used to filter mainly for data related to the recruitment processes. Users can look for profiles being in a specific Statuses. The date range will scope for dates in which these Statuses were applied to the profiles. The Adder of these Statuses can also be scoped.

When selecting Interview as Status, filter for the user that interviews, the validity and the evaluation will appear. When selecting Profile check as Status, users that were asked for feedback can be filtered. It is also possible to filter for entries in which feedback was given or not.




This section allows to filter for Profile actions that occurred in a defined date range. The validities and user who added the action can be added as criteria. The Created option refers to the entries set automatically when a profile is added. When looking for profiles that Applied, applications for a specific job or all jobs in which a defined User is responsible can be scoped.

The Assignment option allows to additionally set a date to filter for all assignments that will end until then.



This filter section is mainly about personal data of profiles, such as their address or phone number. Two filters can be combined simultaneously, both criteria must be met in this case. It also provides filter options for custom fields enabled in profiles. The Title option refers to data in the Title field within the Affiliation section of profiles.

Values added as criteria must match exactly. To broaden the search, an asterisk (*) can be placed in front or at the end of the search input. When searching for cities, a geographical range can be defined. As an example, when searching for Paris+100 as city, all profiles that are located within 100 km of Paris will match.

Full text


This filter allows to use a full text search within files uploaded to profiles. Several terms can be combined and weighted in the search syntax.

When mousing on -Info- on the right of the field, all search options are explained:

  • apple banana - Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +apple +juice - Find rows that contain both words.
  • +apple macintosh - Find rows that contain the word apple, but rank rows higher if they also contain macintosh.
  • +apple -macintosh - Find rows that contain the word apple but not macintosh.
  • +apple ~macintosh - Find rows that contain the word apple, but if the row also contains the word macintosh, rate it lower than if row does not. This is “softer” than a search for +apple -macintosh, for which the presence of macintosh causes the row not to be returned at all.
  • +apple +(>turnover <strudel) - Find rows that contain the words apple and turnover, or apple and strudel (in any order), but rank apple turnover higher than apple strudel.
  • apple* - Find rows that contain words such as apple, apples, applesauce, or applet.
  • "some words" - Find rows that contain the exact phrase some words (for example, rows that contain some words of wisdom but not some noise words). Note that the `"` characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.



The "GDPR" filter (if enabled) is used to display profiles according to their consent to store their data in order to comply with the GDPR. Profiles can have different GDPR statuses:

  • Consent given - Profiles who confirmed their consent.
  • Consent expiring - Profiles with consent nearing expiration.
  • Consent expired - Profiles with expired consent.
  • Waiting for consent - Profiles for which the consent confirmation is pending.
  • Waiting for consent expired - Profiles with expired consent confirmation requests.
  • Consent refused - Profiles who declined their consent.
  • Consent missing - Profiles lacking consent information.

Profiles with missing consents get emptied automatically after a time range that can be defined in the Settings. The top of the section displays the amount of profiles attributed to the User that will be emptied within this time range. Clicking on the link activates the filter options and lists these profiles.

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