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Needs export

Need data can be exported into files with several formats. The data to be exported is defined using customisable templates.


The needs export is available through the toolbox. When accessing through the list view, needs to export must be selected first.


Templates are either general, accessible to everyone having the proper permissions or individual, accessible to the user only. Users can export profiles using templates in .docx or .pdf format in this tab.

Creating and managing templates

Creating new templates can be done through the links on top in the desired format. Unatrix provides a built-in template editor for PDF templates. Templates for .docx must be prepared in an external software (MS Word or Open Office) and uploaded. Existing templates can be edited or deleted through the icons next to the names.

DOCX template

This format is mainly used for single need exports like need description to be sent to candidates. They can be edited after the export.

When mousing on the + docx link, a template can be downloaded that includes all available placeholders. These placeholders will be replaced by the corresponding content of the profile exported. They can be copy/pasted to the target template. Sections with numerous entries as the profile experiences or educations must be marked using bookmarks that can be found in the downloaded template through the insert bookmark feature in Word for instance.

Fields that can be formatted in editors within Unatrix will take the default font format of the template, which can be edited in the external application.


The + docx link will allow to set the name of template, to define the structure of the file name of exports and to upload the prepared template.


Once saved, the template can be used to export need data.

PDF Template

This format is mainly used for single need exports like need description to be sent to candidates. They cannot be edited after the export. The + pdf link will lead to a built-in template editor. This editor allows to define the template by selecting fields grouped in sections on the right that will appear as blocks in the template.

callout icon: info
Blocks can be resized to fit the template, and by clicking on them, you can customise the text format using the options above.

The name of template and the structure of the file name of exports can be set top right. Once saved, the template can be used to export need data.

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