Job actions are executed using links in the toolbox. Each action performed is recorded in the infobox, providing a detailed overview of the activities carried out with the job and informing about upcoming ones. Access to actions depends on the permissions assigned to the user.
The toolbox is structured in 2 levels. The first one allows a quick access to most frequently used actions. The second one displays all available actions. Actions listed in the quick access can be defined through the edit shortcuts
link. They can be ordered, removed or added to the quick access using icons.
If an action is performed within a job overview, the job will be selected automatically. If performing the action from the jobs list, the job can be selected first on the left of its name or selected afterwards in the dialog.
Opens a form to add a job to the database. Learn more about adding jobs.
Creates a copy of the job, containing all original data. The duplicated job can be edited and activated once it is ready.
Activates and deactivates jobs. Active jobs are displayed with a green dot, inactive jobs with a red one.
Permanently deletes a job.
is used to add a note to the job. It can be added through the toolbox or through the corresponding link on the infobox section in the job overview. Participants can be added on top, they will be notified by email about this action and the comments added to it later on. The editor is used to add a note which can be formatted. Selecting the Calendar entry
option will send a calendar invitation to the user performing this action. The job in which the note will be added can be selected in the Jobs
Attribute (entity)
is used to attribute the job to an entity.
Participants can be added, they will be notified by email about this action and the comments added to it later on. The entity to which the job should be attributed can be selected then. The Description
field allows leaving information regarding the attribution. The job to be attributed can be selected in the Jobs
The Application
link is used to manually inform that a profile applied to a job.
The date and time of the application is defined on top. Participants can be added, they will be notified by email about this action and the comments added to it later on. The Description
field allows leaving information regarding the application. The profile that applied can be selected in the Profiles
field, as well as the job to which it applied. If a need is linked to the job, it will be populated automatically.