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Career page

The Unatrix API allows full customisation to integrate a career page of a company’s website.

Unatrix also offers a ready to use career page hosted at unatrix.com that can be activated on demand. This template reflects the settings of the source instance but cannot be customised further.


Jobs list

The company logo is displayed top left. Links to the jobs list and to spontaneous applications (not linked to a specific job) are available top right.


Search and filter

Candidates may search for specific keywords. The category 1 as well as the locations configured for jobs can be used to filter as well.



The career page is available per default in three languages (English, German and French). Job content will be displayed in the appropriate language page.


Job details

Each job ad in the career page includes the following elements:

  • Job title
  • Location
  • Category 1
  • Date of posting
  • Introductory content (Intro)
  • Defined fields
    • Requirements
    • Tasks
    • Other fields
  • Closing content (Outro)
  • Apply link

Application form

The application form may concern an application to a specific job or a spontaneous application, not linked to a job. The fields displayed are standardised. A source field can be added to allow candidates to inform about the channel they used to find the job ad. Only options configured to be displayed will be available.

A checkbox to accept the data privacy statement before applying can be enabled. Fields set as mandatory in the settings (e.g., professional category, source) will be required when submitting the form. This may be incompatible with the standard career page as the information cannot be submitted through the form.



Once a candidate applies, the profile is automatically added to the database. Uploaded documents as CVs are scanned for additional personal details and skills. An infobox entry is added to the profile, job (and need if linked to the job) that shows the application. Configured emails are sent to the candidate and internal users. The profile is attributed to the recruiter responsible for the job and its entity if enabled. Default values as category and status are applied.

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