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Job overview

The overview provides all available information about a job. The data is grouped into sections which can be unfolded and edited.


Job status

The dot top right shows the status of the job, it can have 3 different statuses:

  • Grey / Pending - Job was added but not activated yet.
  • Green / Active - Job is active.
  • Red / Inactive - Job was deactivated.



The amount of views and applications per job are shown below the name.


General information

This section contains internal information regarding the job.

  • User - The Recruiter responsible for the job.
  • Entity - The entity assigned to which the job is assigned.
  • Identification - Internal name for the job.
  • Reference. No. - Custom reference number for the job.
  • Profile category - Defines the profile category to which job applicants will be assigned.
  • Category 1-5 - Categorisation for jobs, such as field of work or type of contract.
  • Start / Stop - Allows to schedule the activation and deactivation of a job.
  • URL text - Allows to define a custom job URL, such as senior-front-end-developer.


The information provided in this section is published and visible for candidates.

  • Flags - Language of the job content.
  • Locations - Location of the job, several entries are possible.
  • Project start - Date at which the contract starts.
  • Title - The published job title.
  • Intro / Outro - Content templates that can be used for recurring text in job ads.
  • Requirements / Tasks - Content describing the requirements and tasks of the job.
  • Field 1-5 - Custom fields that can be named to structure the job content.
  • Contact - The contact person for the job.


The infobox lists all activity that occurred with the job, as applications. Entries are listed chronologically for a seamless follow-through of events and discussions over time.


Entries are added through the toolbox. They can be edited or deleted in the toolbox according to the permission level of the user. Each entry can be commented and additional participants added to the threads. Files related to the entry can be uploaded as well.

Existing entries can be filtered by clicking on the Filter link on top of the section. It allows searching for specific actions and validities, which are displayed when mousing on them. The search field can be used to look for content available in the infobox, such as IDs, statuses, names, and comments.


The amount of entries per page can be set.

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