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LDAP is a protocol used to access and manage directory services over a network. It allows for centralized authentication, authorization, and user management, enabling seamless integration with various applications and systems for user information and access control.

To start using LDAP integration in Unatrix, first it is needed to enable the LDAP settings by checking the Enable box. Begin by configuring the connection options: input the host and port details of your LDAP server, and choose whether to use SSL or TLS for secure connections. Then, specify the Base DN (Distinguished Name) which serves as the starting point for LDAP searches, and set the bind and login attributes. It is also possible to define a user filter to refine search results.


Next, provide the credentials for LDAP authentication by entering a valid username and password. The login options allow for additional configuration, such as automatically creating users in Unatrix, checking if users belong to specific groups, verifying group permissions, and setting permissions based on group membership. For permission matching, it can be customised how permissions are processed by defining a prefix, converting permissions to lowercase, allowing underscores, and ensuring only letters are used.

Finally, to verify the settings, use the Test connection button. Once all settings are configured correctly, click the Save button to apply and save LDAP integration settings. This process enables seamless user authentication and management through LDAP within Unatrix. To set up and start using this integration, you need an account with Backend → Communication permission.

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