Unatrix provides two integration solutions to display jobs and allow applications on a dedicated website.
Different settings allow to configure the job content and to automate the application process.
The integration using the GraphQL API allows full customisation for the jobs displayed and the application form. The career pages are embedded in the own website and domain.
The integration needs to be done by the people in charge of the website and requires technical knowledge.
Contact Unatrix to get access to the GraphQL API documentation, a comprehensive technical guide for the integration and a secure access token for exchanging data with your instance.
The ready-to-use career page can be enabled quickly and without any technical integration effort.
The visual design is predefined and customisation options are very limited. The career pages are hosted on the Unatrix domain.
Contact Unatrix to enable the ready-to-use career page.
Following steps allow to configure the job postings and applications using Unatrix:
If the career page is provided in several languages, they can be enabled in this step. Different content can then be added for each language.
Several categories and options can be configured for the jobs. They can be used to filter for jobs in the application and on the career page.
The content sections for jobs can be defined in this step. Tasks and requirements are set as they are related to features in Unatrix. Three more fields can be used additionally.
This setting allows to define a profile category for each job which will be attributed to candidates that apply.
Predefined content can be used as introduction or outroduction in jobs. Different templates can be added and selected in jobs. Text for each template can be added, placeholders may be used to display contact details of job owners.
Several locations such as countries, regions or cities can be configured to filter for jobs in the application and on the career page.
Sources are used to track the origin of candidates and to analyse the performance of channels used to find them. This information can be requested in the application form. The ones marked with ‘HP display’ will be appearing as options.
Emails can be configured which will be sent for applications. They can be defined for job applications (with ad) or spontaneous ones (without ad). Emails can be sent to candidates as receipt confirmation and to internal stakeholders as notification for new applications.
The Unatrix support team remains available for any questions about the integration and the configuration of jobs.
Integrating Unatrix with your career page allows you to quickly add jobs to your website and have applications automatically added directly in the database. Additionally, Unatrix ensures efficient communication by sending confirmation emails to stakeholders and candidates. Furthermore, the jobs functionality allows you to activate an XML feed, enabling job postings to be distributed to platforms such as Xing and LinkedIn, enhancing your reach and visibility.