
Jobs detailed view


The overall details of a Job are divided into sections in this view. By clicking on the respective section (General Information, Content, etc.) these details are displayed or rolled back up. On the right side of these sections, the User can edit data and add data (NB: the ability to edit Jobs depends on the authorisation rights of the respective User). Allocation of rights is set by Admin in the Backend area.

The item above on the right indicates whether the job advertisement is currently online. The symbol may have different colours (yellow: job advertisement “Pending or Waiting”, red: job advertisement “Offline”, green: job advertisement “Online”). If the job advertisement is online, the data shows the activation period on the left, if this is specified.

A specific job advertisement can be activated or deactivated manually or controlled automatically by defining a time-window.

The list beneath Titles contains simple statistics on how often this job advertisement has been called up and how many applications have been received for this position.

Job Listenansicht

General Information

Under General Information, further details can be completed, such as the internal Reference Number, the User who is responsible, the Category etc. The categories can be selected from a pre-defined list, which can be individually edited by Admin in the Backend area.


In this area the User can define the contents of the job advertisement. Pre-defined text can be input for the Location, Introduction (Intro), Concluding Statement (Outro) and Contact Person. Multiple variants of the Intro and Outro can be pre-defined by Admin in the Backend area. Job advertisements can be published in multiple languages.


For further questions: support@unatrix.com