


Email Templates

Email templates that can be sent to Profiles or Clients can be added or edited.

Dynamic fields (on the right side) allow information to be drawn automatically from Unatrix and built into the email notification. Various salutations (Mr., Ms., etc.) according to the gender can be stored by clicking on the stylus symbol (pen).

General attachments such as directions to the location can also be attached. Email templates can be assigned to different Interview or Status inputs, to permit limitation of the selection list in the Frontend.

Access Email

Pre-defined email template for sending log-in data.

Email Templates (Recruitment)

Pre-defined email templates that relate to a specific status in the overall application process, e.g. invitation to interview, pool notifications, rejection etc.

Email Templates (Offer Profile)

Pre-defined email templates that can be sent to the Client during the course of an “Offer Profile” Action.

Email Templates (Validity)

Pre-defined email templates that are sent to a Profile depending on the specific Validity of an Action.

Distribution Lists

Multiple Users can be collected together in an Address Group (Distribution List). These Address Groups (or Distribution Lists) can be labeled. This permits the use of Distribution Lists in the “Participants” field for Actions in the Frontend area.

Email Settings

A general email address and name can be defined in this area for internal notification emails. It is also possible to define mail Domains (comma-separated) to which Unatrix sends emails in Base64 format. This allows conversion problems to be avoided, e.g. emails that are passed on to locked Monster Profiles.

For further questions: support@unatrix.com